Thursday, March 26, 2020
Propagating my Tempranillo Cuttings | March 2020
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This year I took some cuttings from my Tempranillo grape and rooted them using the rooting compound I know and trust. Watch the video to see how it is done:
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Plants for the Pandemic -- Vegetable Gardening Under Quarantine | Coronavirus special
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It is now the middle of March and we are at least a month into Coronavirus panic. As the grocery store shelves clear of toilet paper and canned food, you might want to consider stopping by the nursery.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Removing the Dead Grapevines | March 2020
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Turns out those rabbits that attacked my grapevines were able to finish the job. The three grapevines I had at my house didn't return from dormancy. RIP.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Crown Victoria Blend Door Actuator Replacement
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This part is one of the biggest pains in the ass to replace. But the job is worth undertaking for what you regain.
A common problem on Fords is the failure of the Blend Door Actuator. This motor controls the position of the air door in the plenum which affects the temperature of the air blown into the cabin. If the blend door actuator fails, you are no longer able to control the temperature with your climate control unit any more. Symptoms include AC stuck on cold, AC stuck on heat, and/or an annoying clicking noise from underneath the dashboard.
A common problem on Fords is the failure of the Blend Door Actuator. This motor controls the position of the air door in the plenum which affects the temperature of the air blown into the cabin. If the blend door actuator fails, you are no longer able to control the temperature with your climate control unit any more. Symptoms include AC stuck on cold, AC stuck on heat, and/or an annoying clicking noise from underneath the dashboard.