It's starting to feel like summer again. Nearly everyday in the past week has been in the high 70s/low 80s. However, the trend looks to be reversing in the next week; we might be getting some rain again. Regardless, most of the plants in the garden are still alive, despite some wilting here and there during the day. A little extra water perks them right back up. I'm not done planting new seeds yet as I have yet to finish harvesting all of the winter plants (read as the cabbages upstairs).
I'm keeping my tour of the downstairs garden brief today, as I am unable to get good photos of my hydroponic lettuce. After some observation, I realized that I made a smart move and planted
Nevada lettuce, which can tolerate the sun better than other varieties. Although the wilting makes me worry a little, the plants perk back up once the sun leaves the balcony. Maybe I should set up a blanket to shade them....
Overview of hydroponic system |
Good looking lettuce this week |
It wilts during the day, but it comes back alive at night. |
Salad bowl lettuce made it into the system too |
Aside from the lettuce on the balcony, I got a
new grapevine last week. I bought some new soil and transplanted it into a container I had lying around the balcony. The vine isn't old enough to produce any fruit yet, but the container is big enough to allow some growth for this year. The other fruit on my balcony, by strawberry plant, looks to finally be setting berries that I can harvest. All the other fruit it set so far this year dried up and became useless.
Stick provided to allow for trellising |
It's finally going to give me berries! |
Some other lettuce on the balcony |
A bit more excitement is happening on the upstairs balcony. Many of my new seeds have germinated. The beans and lemon cucumbers I planted to replace the cabbage and cilantro respectively broke ground. The cucumbers came up fast; it only took them 3 days to appear. As of now, only half of my bean seeds germinated, but bear with me, as these seeds were saved from
plants last year. The cabbages still remaining are close to being harvested. Especially the one in the middle bin. That one will be gone first.
These might give the heads I want |
This cabbage is due for a harvest |
Full shot of the right side |
Lemon cucumber germinated! |
A few other plants have germinated. Namely the lettuce in my hydroponic hanging planters and some green onions around the balcony. Additionally, the basil I had growing looks like it'll make it. I have a problem with basil in that most of the time I germinate it, it never grows beyond it's cotyledons. I guess I won't need to buy a basil plant to clone this year.
New onions on the upper left balcony |
Pizza sauce and Basil soap coming soon? |
Lots of green onions replacing an old chard plant |
More Nevada lettuce plants |
The entirety of the lower left side |
What else is thriving on the balcony? Many of the white chard plants that haven't bolted yet are. Especially now that they've been uncrowded. There are some green onions that are nearly ready to harvest too. That's why I've planted so many new green onions: to keep the crop rotation going.
Green onions |
Swiss Chard |
Pea season is nearing a close. I think 2 of the plants in the bin made it and have given me about 3 pea pods so far.
The bin with peas and spinach and other things |
A harvested pea pod |
Last but not least is the fate of my Kale plant. It's been alive for a few months, but it's now in full bolt mode. The flower stalk is gigantic and all the little yellow flowers are blooming. I think I want to save the seeds off this plant because it grew so large for being in a container.
No idea if the leaves are still good to eat |
That's all for today. I'll try to bring an update next week, but the rain might affect my ability to take photos.
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