The second full week of growth.
May 26 |
At the beginning of this week, the reservoir needed to be topped up, so some additional nutrients and water were added. One of the bok choy plants was replaced due to poor performance.
May 27 |
May 28 |
The seedlings on top of the reservoir were relocated to a different location. Perhaps I need to design a mini indoor nursery?
May 29 |
May 30 |
By the end of the week, it was observed that the bok choy continued to perform poorly. It was thought that maybe they weren't designed for this kind of nutrient solution.
May 31 |
Another bok choy plant was replaced with one of the lettuce starts still alive. Half of the original bok choy have been replaced. By the end of this week, the basil and lettuce have really made good progress. Bok choy is going to be left in to see if it recovers.
June 1 |
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